About Skill Past Skill Contact

Bikash Sundaray


I am passionate about what i do and what i build

"~15 years experience Scalable System, Cloud Native, Micro-Services, Big data, OpenSource LLM model, Machine learning, Building large scale product, Enterprise grade DevOps pratices, Driving 10 Scrum Teams, Security and Database"

Designed and maintained enterprise grade DevOps pipeline product life-cycle.
I have integrated tools like Jenkins, SonarQube, Docker, buildah, JFrog, Jira, BlackDuck, FOSSA, Gitlab, Kubernetes, Container image scanning, Shell script and Notification System.

Build pipeline for Backend Java/Python Apps, DevSecOps, gitOps and Frontend react/angular Apps.
Designed 1 click Deployment for Continous Delivery to Azure and AWS.
Worked on Rollback. On Ops part i have deployed and configured Prometheus, ELK, Alert manager, Distributed trace tools like jaeger. Also used CloudWatch and Azure contains insights for monitoring on Public cloud.


I upskill everyday and continous learner



Performance optimization, Architecture decision, HLD/LLD, Release plan, Automation, Migration, Code refactor, PI and Sprint Planning



Spring Boot, Quarkus, Rest API, Kafka, AWS, Kubernetes, Docker, Kong, Python Flask


DevOps and SRE

Observability, Open Source DevOps Stack, Monitoring, Scripting

Past Skill

Frontend, Php large scale Apps, Live Streaming, Smart TV Apps and Android/iOS Mobile Apps

  • Programming Language PHP JavaScript TypeScript
  • IoT and Connectivity MQTT Coap LwM2M Http Sensor Device Management SOTA FOTA Multi Tenant Architecture Usage metrics
  • Mobile Apps Ionic Framework Android/iOS Hybrid Apps iPad/Tablet Apps Playstore Apple App store Wireframe Apple TV Code obfuscation SQLite Debugging
  • Fronend Angular 1.x Angular 2.x UX and WebApp performance Chrome debugging CDN Code obfuscation WebApp security
  • Backend FFMpeg PHP NodeJS Wordpress Web-Socket Firebase Digital Ocean SQL Server FTP server SMTP SMS, IVRS firebug SQL-Server WAMP Stored Procedure HLS / RTMP


Php, NodeJS, Rest APIs, Web-Socket, SQL Server, Mysql, Postgres, MVC


Angular 1.x, HTML, CSS, UX, Optimization, JavaScript, JQuery, Single page Aps

Sys. Design & Study

System Study, HLD, LLD, DB Design, DB optmization, Lead Team


Tech Talk, Opportunity, Consulting

Bangalore, India
Phone: Check my LinkedIn
Email: bikashkumars (AT) gmail (DOT) com

I do help developers on Cloud Native, Product Management, Software Development, Tech Book Review and Conference